New Events
Alex Wooldredge Begins Graduate Rotation in the Lab
Amalia Luthens Begins Graduate Rotation in the Lab
Alexandra Viret (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Matthew Weng (Amgen Scholar) Joins the Lab
Ayane Maruichi Passes Graduate Qualifying Exam
Eric Wei (Graduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Julian Dishart Awarded Ph.D.
Etai Koronyo Accepted into Harvard University Graduate School
Megan Ly Accepts Research Associate Position at Harvard University
Ann Popovici Accepts Research Associate Position at Harvard University
Haolun Wu Accepted into Cornell University Graduate School
Etai Koronyo Awarded Bachelor's Degree
Megan Ly Awarded Bachelor's Degree
Emily Page Awarded Bachelor's Degree
Ann Popovici Awarded Bachelor's Degree
Haolun Wu Awarded Bachelor's Degree
Julian Dishart's Paper Accepted in Science Advances
Koning Shen's Paper Accepted in Cell
Hanlin Zhang's Paper Accepted in Cell
Jasmine Liu Passes Graduate Qualifying Exam
Maddie Webb Passes Graduate Qualifying Exam
Eric Wei Begins Graduate Rotation in the Lab
Melissa Metcalf's Paper Published in iScience
Kielen Zuurbier Accepts Post Doc Scientist Position in the Lab
Tavisha Sharma (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Ayane Maruichi (Graduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Haidyn Bulen Begins Graduate Rotation in the Lab
Catherin DeSousa Begins Graduate Rotation in the Lab
Caroline He Begins Graduate Rotation in the Lab
Ayane Maruichi Begins Graduate Rotation in the Lab
Dillin Lab Receives HHMI Renewal
Noosha Khosrojerdi (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Jacqueline Woo (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Susan Reese (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Emily Page (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Cesar Mena Accepted into Stanford University Graduate School
Hanlin Zhang Awarded American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) Fellowship
Naomi Genuth Awarded Jane Coffin Childs Fellowship
Tyler Kennedy (Post Doctoral Fellow) Joins the Lab
Ann Popovici (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Shannon Cheung Awarded Bachelor's Degree
Wudi Fan Awarded Bachelor's Degree
Sentibel Pandovski Awarded Bachelor's Degree
Koning Shen and Hanlin Zhang Win Poster Awards at Bay Area Aging Meeting (BAAM)
Kenny Lai Awarded NIH MARC Undergraduate Fellowship
Sentibel Pandovski Accepts Scientist Position at Merck
Jasmine Liu (Graduate Student, Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology) Joins the Lab
Maddie Webb (Graduate Student, Helens Will Neuroscience) Joins the Lab
Jasmine Liu Begins Graduate Student Rotation in the Lab
Brant Webster Accepts Senior Scientist Position at Denali Therapeutics
Maya Feldthouse Begins Graduate Student Rotation in the Lab
Maddie Webb Begins Graduate Student Rotation in the Lab
Liza Willey Accepts Research Associate Position at Maze Therapeutics
Koning Shen Awarded 2022 Outstanding Post Doc in the IMM Division of MCB
Mars Torres Begins Graduate Student Rotation in the Lab
Emma Doan Accepts Clinical Trial Coordinator Position in the Abuabara Lab at UCSF
Etai Koronyo (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Kenny Lai (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Dillin and Hockemeyer Labs Awarded Genentech Industry Alliance Grant
Naomi Genuth (Post Doc Fellow) Joins the Lab
Audrey Evangelista (Staff Research Associate) Joins the Lab
Weijing Tang (Graduate Student) Joins the Lab
Holly Gildea Accepts Post Doctoral Fellow Position in the Liddelow Lab at NYU
Stacy Taylor (Laboratory Assistant) Joins the Lab
Sarah Tronnes Accepts Associate Scientist Position at BioAge Labs
Edward Sukarto Accepts Research Technician Position at Shiru
Annar Sanchez (Laboratory Assistant) Joins the Lab
Mattias de los Rios Rogers Re-Joins the Lab as a Summer Intern
Arianna Pankey (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Phil Frankino Accepts Scientist Position at Loyal
Sophie Liu Accepts Staff Research Associate Position in the Yang lab at UCSF
Daniella Dror Accepts Data Engineer Consultant Position at the Kubrick Group
Qazi Ahmad Accepts Staff Research Associate Position at Addition Therapeutics
Naame Kelet Accepts Staff Research Associate Position at MicroByre
Arushi Sahay Accepted into the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School
Holly Gildea Awarded Ph.D.
Phil Frankino Awarded Ph.D.
Melissa Metcalf Awarded Ph.D.
Qazi Ahmad Awarded Bachelor's Degree
Emma Doan Awarded Bachelor's Degree
Daniella Dror Awarded Bachelor's Degree
Sophie Liu Awarded Bachelor's Degree
Andy Dillin and Anne Brunet Awarded the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH) Lurie Prize in Biomedical Sciences for Their Work on the Aging Process
Haolun Wu (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Dillin lab is a new member of the Immunology and Molecular Medicine Division within MCB
Megan Ly (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Tayla Hunter Awarded Goldwater Scholarship
Stefan Homentcovschi Awarded Fulbright Scholarship
Martina Velichkovska Accepts Sales Development Position at Bioz
Arushi Sahay Awarded Bachelor's Degree & Joins the Lab as a Research Associate
Joel Perez Receives UC Berkeley Center for Research and Education on Aging (CREA) Award
Dillin Lab Awarded NIH R56 Grant
Andy Dillin Named Co-Director Robinson Life Science and Business Entrepreneurship Program - Haas School of Business
Ashley Frakes Accepts Assistant Professor Position at the NIH
Gilbert Garcia Accepts Post Doc Position at USC
Wudi Fan (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Daniella Dror (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Joel Perez (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Avijit Mallick Joins the Lab as a Visiting Scholar
Ryo Higuchi-Sanabria Accepts Assistant Professor Position at USC
Tayla Hunter Joins the lab as an Amgen Intern
Cesar Mena Joins the lab as a Research Associate
Eyles Serghine Joins the lab as a CHORI Intern
Janiya Brooks Joins the lab as an Amgen Intern
Edward Sukarto Joins the lab as a Research Associate
Kevin Wickham Passes Graduate Qualifying Exam
Sophia Moreno Awarded Bachelor's Degree
Naomi Nicholas Awarded Bachelor's Degree
Sara Vandenburgh Awarded Bachelor's Degree
Mandy Zeng Accepts Clinical Trail Coordinator Position at Stanford University
Samira Monshietehadi Accepted into UC Berkeley Graduate School
Kim Tsui Awarded NIH F32 Fellowship
Koning Shen Awarded NIH K99 Pathway to Independence
Sarah Tronnes Re-Joins the Lab as Lab Manager
Holly Gildea Awarded NIH F99 Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition
Martina Velichkovska Passes Graduate Qualifying Exam
Julian Dishart Passes Graduate Qualifying Exam
Koning Shen Awarded AFAR Fellowship
Kevin Wickham Awarded UCB Stem Cell Fellowship
Camila Benitez Accepted into UCSF Graduate School
Melissa Sanchez Accepts Operations Manager Position at Alpine Roads
Hanlin Zhang Awarded LLHF Foundation Fellowship
Dillin Lab Awarded Research Grant from Rainwater Foundation
Mattias de los Rio Rogers Joins the Lab as a CHORI Summer Intern
Theo Bolas Awarded Bachelor's Degree
Helen Choi Awarded Bachelor's Degree
Sofia Dallarda Awarded Bachelor's Degree
Anina Lund Awarded Bachelor's Degree
Iris Wu Awarded Bachelor's Degree
Martina Velichkovska (Graduate Student, MCB) Joins the Lab
Kevin Wickham (Graduate Student, MCB) Joins the Lab
Ryo Higuchi-Sanbria Awarded NIH K99 Pathway to Independence
Julian Dishart (Graduate Student, Helen Wills Neuroscience) Joins the Lab
Shannon Cheung (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Sophie Liu (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Sentibel Pandovski (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Cory Pender Awarded NIH F32 Fellowship
Gilbert Garcia Awarded Ph.D., promoted to Post Doc Fellow
Hanlin Zhang (Post Doc Fellow) Joins the Lab
Sofia Dallarda (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Sara Vandenburg (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Liz Willey (Research Associate) Joins the Lab
Talha Siddiqi (Intern) Joins the Lab
Kim Tsui (Post Doc Fellow) Joins the Lab
Emma Doan (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Naomi Nicholas (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Stefan Homentcovschi (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Qazi Ahmad (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Raz Bar-Ziv Awarded LLHF Fellowship
Naame Kelet (Research Associate) Joins the Lab
Hannah Chi Awarded Bachelor's Degree
Naame Kelet Awarded Bachelor's Degrees
Ryo Higuchi-Sanabria Awarded AFAR Fellowship
Cory Pender Awarded NIH T32 Fellowship
Arushi Sahay (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
NIH R01AG059566 Awarded
Cory Pender (Post Doc Fellow) Joins the Lab
Sophia Moreno (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Alex Mulligan (Research Associate) Joins the Lab
Melissa Metcalf Awarded NIH Fellowship
Anina Lund (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Theo Bolas (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Helen Choi (Undergraduate Researcher) Joins the Lab
Phil Frankino Passes Graduate Qualifying Exam
Camila Benitez (Research Associate) Joins the Lab
Camila Benitez, Eric Zhang and Daniel Choi Receive Bachelor Degrees
Melissa Metcalf Passes Graduate Qualifying Exam
Holly Gildea Passes Graduate Qualifying Exam
Joseph Paul Passes Graduate Qualifying Exam
Melissa Metcalf Awarded NSF Fellowship
Raz Bar-Ziv Receives EMBO Fellowship
Raz-Bar Ziv (Post Doc Fellow ) Joins the Lab
Samira Monshietehadi (Research Associate) Joins the Lab
NIH R01ES021667 Renewed
NIH R01AG955891 Awarded
TEVA Industry Alliance Contract Renewed
Koning Shen Awarded Jane Coffin Childs Fellowship
Nazineen Kandahari (Research Associate) joins the lab
Mandy Zeng (Research Associate) joins the lab
Undergraduate Researchers Giana Ciriola, Nazineen Kandahari, Rachel Prorok, Cathy Ton, Vi Tran, and Mandy Zeng Graduate from UC Berkeley
Andy Murley Awarded Damon Runyon Fellowship
Brant Webster Awarded Life Sciences Research Fellowship
Holly Gildea Awarded NSF Fellowship
Joseph Paul Awarded NSF Fellowship
Melissa Metcalf (Graduate Student, MCB) Joins the Lab
Phil Frankino (Graduate Student, MCB) Joins the Lab
Holly Gildea (Graduate Student, Helen Wills Neuroscience) Joins the Lab
Joseph Paul (Graduate Student, MCB) Joins the Lab
Koning Shen (Post Doc Fellow) Joins the Lab
15 Year Reunion Retreat Planning Initiated
HHMI Funding Renewed for 7 more years
New NIH R01 Receives 2% ranking
NIH R01 Renewal Receives 3% ranking